Ramayana in Indonesia is portrayed through a shadow puppet show popularly known as Wayang Kulit. The performance spans seven consecutive nights, with each night seamlessly connecting one part to the next. All the audience must be present for all seven nights to fully grasp the unfolding storyline.
Wayang kulit performance with Dalang
Opening Ceremony
Before the performance commences, the influential spirits representing both good and evil are honored. This initial ritual is known as buka panggong and involves a complex series of ceremonial acts. During this ceremony, performers express their respect for the potent forces governing the universe, including the elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
A stage is prepared 3-4 feets raised from the ground. Having an approximate size of 10 to 12 feet, the stage accommodates a hut with an open front and three sides covered with bamboo walls. During the performance, the front is covered with a white cloth for the audience to witness the shadows.
Puppets and the Dalang
The puppets that are used for the performance are made of buffalo skin and decorated with paint. They are textured differently according to the characters they portray. The puppet master, known as the Dalang, is the real hero behind the show. He is the one who controls hundreds of puppets and narrates the story by changing voices for male and female. He sits in the middle of the front stage at its back. A lamp hangs in between the puppets and the white screen so that the light from the lamp casts shadows of the puppets on the white screen. The whole shadow-play is accompanied by an Orchestral Music.
Wayang kulit performance with Dalang
Balinese Puppet Performance, Wayang Kulit
Orchestral Music
Besides the Dalang, sits an orchestra consisting of two big gongs and two small gongs in wooden frames. A Serunai, which is a wind musical instrument along with drums, upsurge the beauty of the performance.
The closing ceremony
When the story ends, the white screen is immediately rolled up and the orchestra leaves the stage and takes seats among the audience. The Dalang then faces the audience, thanks the almighty and bids farewell.
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