The ramayana in India is portrayed through Ramlila. During the month of October and November, a number of stages are constructed across the banks of the Ganges, for the cultural and mythological performance of Ramlila. The 31 day long festival of Ramlila commences by the portrayal of Rama’s birth and terminates with the return of Rama to Ayodhya. Each day is a different location named after the events in the Ramayana and the audiences move along with the performers to witness the Ramlila.
Ramayana Mahotsav in Raipur, Chhatisgargh
The performers of the Ramlila are the localities and the volunteers from other communities, who want to show their talent. Thus, Ramlila also depicts a sense of cultural unity. Other than these, there are the skilled artisans who design costumes and props and set stages. The traditional musicians and the classical dancers also form a part of Ramlila.
The costumes become the major attraction for the audiences when they are beautifully stitched from the shimmery brocade. The characters of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana are portrayed as royal figures having dresses embroidered with gold and silver threads. Along with these are the accessories such as the necklace, earrings, and crown that adds a divine touch to the overall attire. The costumes of the characters of Rama and Sita, who symbolize positivity and righteousness, are designed to be of bright colors like yellow and white, whereas the character of demon Ravana wears dresses having dark shades to represent his evilness.
A scene of village Ramlila which takes place under Indian tradition.
Music and Folk
The music that is played during the Ramlila is the traditional India music that incorporates the use of tabla,sitar and flute. Along with this are sung Bhajans and Kirtans, dedicated to the characters of the Ramayana that easily helps people to connect with the storyline. Apart from this, the classical dances such as Kathak and Bharatnatyam that enhance the storytelling are also included in the Ramlila. The folk dances from across the nation are featured during the performance to show diversity and unity. Thus, dance inculcates energy and liveliness to the performance.
Ayodhya ki RamLila from Ayodhya (Birthplace of Rama)
A scene from Ramlila in Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi
Khon at Celebration of Coronation of King Rama
RamLila in Delhi
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